We are a highly knowledgeable and enthusiastic team and would welcome the opportunity to work with anyone with similar attributes.

Our vision is to develop a network of UK wide franchisees that can follow in our success. We pride ourselves on our knowledge, our experience and offering the highest possible quality of support to our franchisees and the best possible service to our end customers.

Howard Abramson



With fifteen years of experience in the domestic lawn care industry and a stint at one of the current market leaders, Howard has seen the market go from strength to strength.

“Lawn care in the UK is still at an embryonic stage” he explains. “Compared to the American market, we really are just touching the surface. I estimate that there are no more than 700,000 households that regularly use a lawn care service in the UK. That’s out of approximately 16 million domestic properties with gardens!”

Likes: Coffee, percussion and skiing (not all at the same time!)

Tom Le Friant



Tom’s background is primarily in horticulture, and his experience stretches from conservation management through to working for The Royal Parks, London. He joined the lawn care market after his desire to maintain financial stability whilst utilising his vast wealth of knowledge.

“The horticulture market is huge, but in most sectors it can be hard work for a small return. Lawn care is an industry to itself and the lawn care market was a perfect sector for me to get into. Both the personal and financial rewards have exceeded my expectations and I’ll never look back.”

Likes: His motorbike and errrr, his motorbike.

Kate Warren



Kate heads up our growing Franchise Support team. Her role is to make sure that your customers receive the best possible customer service no matter what stage your business is at. Whether its answering queries, rescheduling treatments or just having a good old natter with your customers, she’ll be there to give that vital first impression.

“Nowadays, people don’t want to leave messages on an answer machine,” says Kate. “They want an answer there and then and that’s why I’m here. Franchisees who are just starting out need to concentrate on growing their customer database without leaving their current customers behind.”

Likes: Strange teas and vintage fashion.

Ana Grabova



With fourteen years of experience in the media, Anastasia’s got marketing down to a fine art. Having seen the incredible potential of the UK’s lawn care market, she’s joined Tom Thumb Lawn Care to spread the word about the industry and reach out to potential franchisees.

“Marketing is a constantly evolving art form,” says Anastasia, “and it’s my job to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that our whole network gets the maximum possible coverage across the UK. I cover all kinds of avenues from digital and social media to appearances in local and national press.”

Likes: Exploring the world, learning languages and immersing herself in a really good book.

Natalie Spearling Thumbnail



Natalie’s our latest recruit, joining the growing team to assist Kate in answering those all important queries from a rapidly growing roster of customers and franchisees. Having worked as a receptionist for Ferrari, Maserati and Bentley, Natalie knows the importance of great customer service.

“The lawn care industry is at a really exciting stage at the moment, and the opportunity to join Tom Thumb Lawn Care when it’s growing this quickly was too good to turn down,” says Natalie.

Likes: Swimming, socialising, and spending time with my family and two giant house rabbits!

Pedro Thumbnail



Pedro’s role is to develop and maintain our bespoke management software. He’s an MIT graduate in mathematics, born and raised in Hungary, loves solving problems and helping businesses see the potential of their resources by using the latest advances in software development.

“Creating TOMS for Tom Thumb Lawn Care has been challenging and rewarding in equal measure. I am proud to say that the package we have produced is a real game-changer for those working in the lawn care industry.

Likes: Relaxing at a traditional Hungarian spa in Budapest, his home city.

Interested in finding out more? Read our next section: The Lawn Care Market